SOLVED, thank you! (was: Re: How to remove a media from Virtual Media Manager by script?)
Steffen Dettmer
2014-03-05 14:28:45 UTC

a long time ago I asked how to remove a media from VBox Manager.
I would like to create VBox from a resized image file
[...] have to convert the image temporarily.
$ VBoxManage clonehd "tmp.vdi" "disk_v1.0.0.vmdk" --format vmdk
(In future I think I continue with creation of an appliance from that).
How do I remove a media from Virtual Media Manager by script?
Have a look at the vboxmanage closemedium command.
Now a team mate finished my test script that creates an appliance
and told me that the closemedium command solved the issue:

$ VBoxManage closemedium disk tmp.vmdk
$ rm -f tmp.vmdk
$ VBoxManage closemedium disk tmp.vdi --delete
$ VBoxManage unregistervm <name of the vbox appliance> --delete

Thank you for the help!
Sorry that it took me so long to try it, however I could not
resist to report back, better late than never :)
I'm using VirtualBox a lot, even tested my OSPF with it, really
nice to have it, many many thanks to everybody who helped to make
this possible.

Best regards,
