Lifehacker Australia likes virtualbox
Fernando Cassia
2014-05-02 02:06:55 UTC
They even named it "our favorite virtualization tool".

This was a nice read, for a change. I encourage everyone to comment on
the story by stating what they like or any tricks the writer might
have missed...
... and the devs can leave some kind words too. ;)


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Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un
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Walter Hurry
2014-05-02 03:33:37 UTC
On Thu, 01 May 2014 23:06:55 -0300, Fernando Cassia wrote:

> They even named it "our favorite virtualization tool".
> http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2014/05/the-power-users-guide-to-better-

A bit pedestrian. Of course we consider the RAM and processors allocated,
and of course we install the Guest Additions.

Hardly "Power User" stuff.
Fernando Cassia
2014-05-02 03:50:01 UTC
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 12:33 AM, Walter Hurry <walterhurry-***@public.gmane.org> wrote:
> A bit pedestrian. Of course we consider the RAM and processors allocated,
> and of course we install the Guest Additions.
> Hardly "Power User" stuff.

Agree, but consider the site and its audience. It's good to have even
more users, more users=more downloads = more web hits = more relevance
for ORCL funding the effors. Plus more users = more eyes = more
chances to hit bugs and have those reported (and later, fixed).

I think it's good to see a positive article about one of Oracle's open
source projects, for a change. Specially when Virtualbox isn't the
only game in town, far from it...

Eric S. Johansson
2014-05-02 05:33:13 UTC
On 5/1/2014 11:50 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> I think it's good to see a positive article about one of Oracle's open
> source projects, for a change. Specially when Virtualbox isn't the
> only game in town, far from it...

it may not be the only game in town but it is my go-to vm of choice.
Virtual box fills a spot neglected by the others. for me, it just works
and works reliably.

my only wish is that it played nicer with NaturallySpeaking. then
again, I wish many apps played nicer with Naturally Speaking
Fernando Cassia
2014-05-02 06:50:39 UTC
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 2:33 AM, Eric S. Johansson <esj-fN7pNnAWUnUdnm+***@public.gmane.org> wrote:

> my only wish is that it played nicer with NaturallySpeaking. then
> again, I wish many apps played nicer with Naturally Speaking

They (Nuance) should release versions for Linux instead of forcing people
to run virtualized Windows to get decend speech recognition.
OR IBM should open source its Viavoice code -there was once a version for
Linux- if they are no longer interested in maintaining it.

Just my $0.02
During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un Acto
- George Orwell
Eric S. Johansson
2014-05-02 07:25:14 UTC
On 5/2/2014 2:50 AM, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 2:33 AM, Eric S. Johansson <esj-fN7pNnAWUnUdnm+***@public.gmane.org
> <mailto:esj-fN7pNnAWUnUdnm+***@public.gmane.org>> wrote:
> my only wish is that it played nicer with NaturallySpeaking. then
> again, I wish many apps played nicer with Naturally Speaking
> They (Nuance) should release versions for Linux instead of forcing
> people to run virtualized Windows to get decend speech recognition.

I agree wholeheartedly but, I can't explain why I know but trust me that
they have had an ambivalent relationship with making a version work on
linux. I have an idea of of a tool that would help a lot but it would
take a bit of work. The idea is to run speech recognition and virtual
box on Windows as the host OS and create some sort of a bridge that
translates information about the linux windowing environment over to
Windows so that NaturallySpeaking can do its magic. one way of doing
this would be if the guest code could take information about process,
executable name, focus or not, and title bar and pass it down to
Windows. A really tricky version of that would be to have the virtual
box environment spoof Windows into thinking that the linux state was its
own application state

The hardest part is the vdict synchronization which synchronizes what's
visible in a window with what NaturallySpeaking goes about in its
internal buffers.

Anyway, it's an interesting project that would help lots disabled
programmers especially if I managed to get my programming by speech
environment fully operational. another advantage is that it would piss
the hell out of Nuance.
> OR IBM should open source its Viavoice code -there was once a version
> for Linux- if they are no longer interested in maintaining it.

Nuance took care of that one too. They now own the rights and have
buried the code so very deep. In fact, I suspect they have dug up the
corpse, turned it over, and buried it again to make sure it stayed
buried. I think the best you can say about Nuance is that they are
"legitimate businessmen"[1]

--- eric

Fernando Cassia
2014-05-02 18:41:04 UTC
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 4:25 AM, Eric S. Johansson <esj-fN7pNnAWUnUdnm+***@public.gmane.org> wrote:

> Anyway, it's an interesting project that would help lots disabled
> programmers especially if I managed to get my programming by speech
> environment fully operational. another advantage is that it would piss the
> hell out of Nuance.

I like the way you think ;)

Another idea would be to base it (if it works at all) on ReactOS... so you
can distribute a working image that just asks for the Dragon CD and goes
from that, installing everything and performing its magic. :))

Let me know if you need beta-testers...

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un Acto
- George Orwell
Sérgio Basto
2014-05-03 00:14:44 UTC
On Qui, 2014-05-01 at 23:06 -0300, Fernando Cassia wrote:
> They even named it "our favorite virtualization tool".
> http://www.lifehacker.com.au/2014/05/the-power-users-guide-to-better-virtual-machines-in-virtualbox/
> This was a nice read, for a change. I encourage everyone to comment on
> the story by stating what they like or any tricks the writer might
> have missed...
> ... and the devs can leave some kind words too. ;)

- Run Virtualised Apps on Your Non-Virtualised Desktop
"head to View > Switch to Seamless Mode in VirtualBox."
how I do that ?

I'd like have it, for Internet explorer testings.

Many thanks,
Sérgio M. B.
Fernando Cassia
2014-05-03 02:25:15 UTC
On Fri, May 2, 2014 at 9:14 PM, Sérgio Basto <sergio-iCFKjj3otdHQT0dZR+***@public.gmane.org> wrote:

> "head to View > Switch to Seamless Mode in VirtualBox."
> how I do that ?
> I'd like have it, for Internet explorer testings.

AFAIK you need to have the guest additions installed in order for seamless
mode to work. Then, it's easy.
There' s even a hotkey you can use to switch a running VM to seamless mode

also read


During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un Acto
- George Orwell