Missing vboxvideo driver
Stephen P. Molnar
2014-10-12 15:20:31 UTC
I am running the following on my Win7 Pro laptop. VirtualBox installed
without any problems as did the Debian Testing distribution. However I
am getting errors when I run some of the applications that I depend on
for my work.

The programs (among others) are:

Debian Testing Jessie/sid
VirtualBox v-4.3.18r96516
MGL_Tools v-1.5.7rc1
Avogadro v-1.0.3

There seen to be some errors in common:

libGL error: core dri or dri2 extension not found
libGL error: failed to load driver: vboxvideo
opengl extension GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil is not present
opengl extension GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil is not present

The reason for addressing this list is the missing vboxvideo driver. I
have Googled that error which resulted instructions for installing VBox
in the Linux guest. This did not solve the problem.

I should mention that both of the applications work on my Debian Wheezy
based computer.

Any assistance will be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.
Fernando Cassia
2014-10-12 16:26:58 UTC
Post by Stephen P. Molnar
have Googled that error which resulted instructions for installing VBox
in the Linux guest. This did not solve the problem.
Hi Stephen,

What you need likely need installed are the GUEST ADDITIONS in Virtualbox.
Did you install those?

Follow the steps provided here:

Basically, for Debian, do as root

apt-get install dkms make gcc linux-headers*

Then mount the guest additions .iso file to your virtual machine, and
change to the directory (cd)
where your CD-ROM drive is mounted and execute as root:

sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary
Durante épocas de Engaño Universal, decir la verdad se convierte en un Acto
- George Orwell
Sérgio Basto
2014-10-12 17:36:58 UTC
Post by Stephen P. Molnar
libGL error: core dri or dri2 extension not found
libGL error: failed to load driver: vboxvideo
this 2 are "normal"

$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo 2>&1 | grep -iP "libGL|opengl|error|warning"

libGL: screen 0 does not appear to be DRI3 capable
libGL error: pci id for fd 4: 80ee:beef, driver (null)
libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib64/dri/tls/vboxvideo_dri.so
libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib64/dri/vboxvideo_dri.so
OpenGL Warning: glFlushVertexArrayRangeNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glVertexArrayRangeNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glCombinerInputNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glCombinerOutputNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glCombinerParameterfNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glCombinerParameterfvNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glCombinerParameteriNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glCombinerParameterivNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glFinalCombinerInputNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glGetCombinerInputParameterfvNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glGetCombinerInputParameterivNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glGetCombinerOutputParameterfvNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glGetCombinerOutputParameterivNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterfvNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glGetFinalCombinerInputParameterivNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glDeleteFencesNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glFinishFenceNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glGenFencesNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glGetFenceivNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glIsFenceNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glSetFenceNV not found in mesa table
OpenGL Warning: glTestFenceNV not found in mesa table
libGL: driver does not expose __driDriverGetExtensions_vboxvideo(): /usr/lib64/dri/vboxvideo_dri.so: undefined symbol: __driDriverGetExtensions_vboxvideo
libGL error: core dri or dri2 extension not found
libGL error: failed to load driver: vboxvideo
libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib64/dri/tls/swrast_dri.so
libGL: OpenDriver: trying /usr/lib64/dri/swrast_dri.so
libGL: Can't open configuration file /home/sergio/.drirc: No such file or directory.
libGL: Can't open configuration file /home/sergio/.drirc: No such file or directory.
OpenGL vendor string: Humper
OpenGL renderer string: Chromium
OpenGL version string: 2.1 Chromium 1.9
OpenGL shading language version string: 1.20
OpenGL extensions:

and I have 3D running well on guests :

$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo 2>&1 | grep -iP "render"

direct rendering: Yes
OpenGL renderer string: Chromium
Post by Stephen P. Molnar
opengl extension GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil is not present
opengl extension GL_EXT_packed_depth_stencil is not present
this 2, I don't have it

$ LIBGL_DEBUG=verbose glxinfo 2>&1 | grep -iP "depth|stencil"

GL_ARB_depth_texture, GL_ARB_fragment_program, GL_ARB_fragment_shader,
GL_EXT_secondary_color, GL_EXT_shadow_funcs, GL_EXT_stencil_two_side,
GL_EXT_stencil_two_side, GL_EXT_stencil_wrap, GL_EXT_texture3D,
Sérgio M. B.