Virtual Disk: "vdi" Format Versus "vmdk"
Tom Browder
2013-11-21 00:36:23 UTC
Why does my Debian 64-bit guest VM change disk format from "vdi" to
"vmdk" when exporting/importing from the original WIn 7 host to a
Debian host and back to the Win 7 host?

Is there any way to get the format changed back to "vdk"?

The reason is I want to compact the disk but can't after it changes
format to vmdk.

Best regards,

Gregory Nowak
2013-11-21 01:37:13 UTC
Post by Tom Browder
Why does my Debian 64-bit guest VM change disk format from "vdi" to
"vmdk" when exporting/importing from the original WIn 7 host to a
Debian host and back to the Win 7 host?
I believe, though I do stand to be corrected, it's because the virtual
appliance standard requires images to be in vmware's format.
Post by Tom Browder
Is there any way to get the format changed back to "vdk"?
The "vboxmanage clonehd" command should do what you want.

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Tom Browder
2013-11-21 11:57:46 UTC
Post by Gregory Nowak
my Debian 64-bit guest VM changes disk format from "vdi" to
"vmdk" when exporting from the original WIn 7 host
Post by Gregory Nowak
Is there any way to get the format changed back to "vdk"?
Post by Gregory Nowak
The "vboxmanage clonehd" command should do what you want.
Thanks, Greg.

Best regards,

