You could use some bootable partition manager tool. There are plenty =)
Post by Stephan von KrawczynskiOn Tue, 10 Sep 2013 10:28:30 -0300
Post by Leonardo CarneiroI think you looking for the "vboxmanage modifyhd resize" command (look at
chapter 8 of the manual).
But this will only increase the drive size. You will have to use some
Post by Leonardo Carneiroinside the to resize the partition.
Well, I heard V*Ware tools are able to resize hd and partition.
How can you resize a ntfs partition on a linux host?
I guess there will be no chance to resize it inside the running guest (using
the partition).
Post by Leonardo CarneiroOn Tue, Sep 10, 2013 at 9:38 AM, Stephan von Krawczynski
Post by Stephan von KrawczynskiHello all,
is there some VBoxManage command to increase the size of a (Windows XP)
drive image?
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