ugly installer screen on osx
Julian Thomas
2013-12-01 21:53:49 UTC
I've submitted a bug on this, but in clear conscience could not classify it as worse than minor. Judging from the lack of action on another bug I submitted 5 months ago as 'major', I'm not

Frank Mehnert
2013-12-02 08:44:18 UTC
Post by Julian Thomas
I've submitted a bug on this, but in clear conscience could not classify it
as worse than minor. Judging from the lack of action on another bug I
submitted 5 months ago as 'major', I'm not optimistic.
1) Which bug number is this? A quick serach didn't show me any related ticket.
2) Which OS X version are you using?

Dr.-Ing. Frank Mehnert | Software Development Director, VirtualBox
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | 71384 Weinstadt, Germany

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher
Julian Thomas
2013-12-02 16:59:09 UTC
Post by Frank Mehnert
1) Which bug number is this? A quick serach didn't show me any related ticket.
The other bug was on a totally different issue - W7 guest crash. #11966
Post by Frank Mehnert
2) Which OS X version are you using?
current bug ticket is 12423. osx 10.8.5

Pierre Malard
2013-12-02 08:56:19 UTC
Post by Julian Thomas
I've submitted a bug on this, but in clear conscience could not classify it as worse than minor. Judging from the lack of action on another bug I submitted 5 months ago as 'major', I'm not

i dont see any bug! Which bug number?
I just se you have configured your finder to display invible files. Perhaps with a special tool like Onyx?

Pierre Malard
«On ne peut pas pousser à fond l'éducation politique et l'éducation
tout court de masses sans l'accompagner d'un développement
économique, culturel et social parallèle.»
Romain Gary - "Les racines du ciel"

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Fernando Cassia
2013-12-02 18:01:44 UTC
Post by Julian Thomas
I've submitted a bug on this, but in clear conscience could not classify it as worse than minor.
OSX is so dumbed down and its users so finicky and drama queens that
I'd vouch for a Java Web Start installer just to make it as braindead
as possible.

But that is just me.

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Fernando Cassia
2013-12-02 18:15:27 UTC
Post by Fernando Cassia
OSX is so dumbed down and its users so finicky and drama queens that
I'd vouch for a Java Web Start installer just to make it as braindead
as possible.
But that is just me.
A list member wrote to tell me my comment was out of line. Perhaps.
So, I apologize.

In my experience, however, OSX users are the first to raise a big
stink if any vendors' app does not conform to the AQUA look and feel,
or differ even the slightest way from Apple OSX conventions. Ask any
Java app vendor that forgot to set native OSX Look And Feel... or
OpenOffice (that's why NeoOffice was developed, because Apple users
couldn't stand the default OO.o interface).

IMHO the Windows and Linux worlds are more indulgent, and can stand
things like apps w/o standard menus (Windows Media Player with its
hidden CUA menus, or Winamp).

But that's a personal opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone.

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell
Julian Thomas
2013-12-03 03:29:49 UTC
Post by Fernando Cassia
In my experience, however, OSX users are the first to raise a big
stink if any vendors' app does not conform to the AQUA look and feel,
or differ even the slightest way from Apple OSX conventions. Ask any
Java app vendor that forgot to set native OSX Look And Feel... or
OpenOffice (that's why NeoOffice was developed, because Apple users
couldn't stand the default OO.o interface).
If you looked at the screen shot, you might have noticed that it was not a question of 'look and feel'; it was a lousy messed up confusing visual rendition with no relation between the text ['click this icon'] and the location of the icon.

FWIW I have no problems with the apache OO interface.

pax - jt
Frank Mehnert
2013-12-03 07:15:30 UTC
Post by Julian Thomas
Post by Fernando Cassia
In my experience, however, OSX users are the first to raise a big
stink if any vendors' app does not conform to the AQUA look and feel,
or differ even the slightest way from Apple OSX conventions. Ask any
Java app vendor that forgot to set native OSX Look And Feel... or
OpenOffice (that's why NeoOffice was developed, because Apple users
couldn't stand the default OO.o interface).
If you looked at the screen shot, you might have noticed that it was not a
question of 'look and feel'; it was a lousy messed up confusing visual
rendition with no relation between the text ['click this icon'] and the
location of the icon.
FWIW I have no problems with the apache OO interface.
It turned out that the layout problem was due to the user changed the
default Finder settings to enable hidden files.

Kind regards,

Dr.-Ing. Frank Mehnert | Software Development Director, VirtualBox
ORACLE Deutschland B.V. & Co. KG | Werkstr. 24 | 71384 Weinstadt, Germany

Hauptverwaltung: Riesstr. 25, D-80992 München
Registergericht: Amtsgericht München, HRA 95603
Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Kunz

Komplementärin: ORACLE Deutschland Verwaltung B.V.
Hertogswetering 163/167, 3543 AS Utrecht, Niederlande
Handelsregister der Handelskammer Midden-Niederlande, Nr. 30143697
Geschäftsführer: Alexander van der Ven, Astrid Kepper, Val Maher
Julian Thomas
2013-12-05 03:37:25 UTC
Post by Frank Mehnert
It turned out that the layout problem was due to the user changed the
default Finder settings to enable hidden files.
That's true; I did that. But shouldn't the installer be robust enough to handle that?

tnx - jt

Cliff Scott
2013-12-03 12:51:20 UTC
** Reply to message from Fernando Cassia <fcassia-***@public.gmane.org> on Mon, 2 Dec
2013 16:15:27 -0200
Post by Fernando Cassia
Post by Fernando Cassia
OSX is so dumbed down and its users so finicky and drama queens that
I'd vouch for a Java Web Start installer just to make it as braindead
as possible.
But that is just me.
A list member wrote to tell me my comment was out of line. Perhaps.
So, I apologize.
In my experience, however, OSX users are the first to raise a big
stink if any vendors' app does not conform to the AQUA look and feel,
or differ even the slightest way from Apple OSX conventions. Ask any
Java app vendor that forgot to set native OSX Look And Feel... or
OpenOffice (that's why NeoOffice was developed, because Apple users
couldn't stand the default OO.o interface).
IMHO the Windows and Linux worlds are more indulgent, and can stand
things like apps w/o standard menus (Windows Media Player with its
hidden CUA menus, or Winamp).
But that's a personal opinion. Sorry if I offended anyone.

I appreciate your apology. Your comments may apply to some OSx users, but not
all of us for sure. I'm a fairly new OSx user, about 2 years, coming from
OS/2 and have gotten to like the OSx look and feel, but am not about to throw
a fit if something doesn't look just right. If I don't like the look of some
software I have the option of not using it or ignoring the look. I suspect
that most of us are like that, it's only the vocal ones that you hear
complaining and I suspect they are a VERY small minority.

2013-12-04 00:55:08 UTC
Post by Cliff Scott
I appreciate your apology. Your comments may apply to some OSx users, but not
all of us for sure. I'm a fairly new OSx user, about 2 years, coming from
OS/2 and have gotten to like the OSx look and feel, but am not about to throw
a fit if something doesn't look just right. If I don't like the look of some
software I have the option of not using it or ignoring the look. I suspect
that most of us are like that, it's only the vocal ones that you hear
complaining and I suspect they are a VERY small minority.
Aren't you a bit contradictory.
You mentioned that he assumed something, then you've done the same thing.
