Problem with network bridge
2013-09-06 17:01:20 UTC
Hi everyone:
I have a problem with the network bridge on my VirtualBox in which I have
installed windows 7 on my laptop. The problems is at home where I have not
any network, and to solve this problem, on my laptop I created a virtual
wifi network using an app called "Virtual Wifi Router" which create a wifi
router using the hosted windows networking, whit this I can connect to my
laptop my movil phone an other laptop, but I want that my virtualized
windows 7 on VirtualBox use this network too, how can I do this?
any idea.
Gregory Nowak
2013-09-06 21:53:07 UTC
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
I have a problem with the network bridge on my VirtualBox in which I have
installed windows 7 on my laptop.
The host operating system is?
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
The problems is at home where I have not
any network, and to solve this problem, on my laptop I created a virtual
wifi network using an app called "Virtual Wifi Router" which create a wifi
router using the hosted windows networking, whit this I can connect to my
laptop my movil phone an other laptop, but I want that my virtualized
windows 7 on VirtualBox use this network too,
I'm not familiar with the ap creating virtual wifi networks which you
mention. So, I don't know exactly how it does what it does, and don't
exactly understand what you want to do (I.E. what problem you're
trying to solve). From what I understand, this virtual network somehow
allows you to connect a mobile phone, or a second laptop to your
laptop. You also want your windows 7 guest to be able to connect to
this virtual network. The obvious solution that comes to mind is to
bridge your guest's network card to whatever network interface this
virtual wifi network uses on the host. I can't tell you how to do this
without at least knowing what the host operating system is, and
without knowing if it is possible for this virtual wifi interface to
be bridged. If all you want is to simply network the guest to the
host, and share the host's network connection with the guest, you can
just setup the guest's network card to use the NAT engine provided by
virtualbox, which is the default network setup. If you're wanting the
guest to setup a wifi connection with a virtual access point, that's
not possible as far as I know. The host needs to do any wifi setup,
and all the guest can do is bridge to the host's wifi network card,
and get a dhcp address or whatever once the host has associated and
authenticated with the access point on behalf of itself and the guest.

web site: http://www.gregn..net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn..net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
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Free domains: http://www.eu.org/ or mail dns-manager-iDweQDFWK/***@public.gmane.org
2013-09-09 15:05:37 UTC
Well Friends, let me be more clear.

The host OS is windows 8 and the virtualized OS on Virtualbox is Windows
7, I need way to access my virtualized OS through network without have my
laptop connected to any network.
For example: The network on my virtualized OS is configured on Virtualbox
as a bridge, then, at work I connect my laptop to the network via cable,
and in this net exist a dhcp which give an IP address to my virtualized
OS, so I can access this virtualized OS throught the network as if it were
another machine on the network. But at home the only network I have is the
virtual hosted wifi that I setup on my laptop, the same laptop where I
have installed the virtualbox, so I need connect the virtualized OS at
that wifi.
But on the settings of the virtualbox where I setup the network I see my
wifi card, but I that wifi card is without connection, and I can not see
the virtual hosted wifi that I setup on windows 8 with this commands

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyNet key=12345678
netsh wlan start hostednetwork

Post by Gregory Nowak
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
I have a problem with the network bridge on my VirtualBox in which I have
installed windows 7 on my laptop.
The host operating system is?
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
The problems is at home where I have not
any network, and to solve this problem, on my laptop I created a virtual
wifi network using an app called "Virtual Wifi Router" which create a wifi
router using the hosted windows networking, whit this I can connect to my
laptop my movil phone an other laptop, but I want that my virtualized
windows 7 on VirtualBox use this network too,
I'm not familiar with the ap creating virtual wifi networks which you
mention. So, I don't know exactly how it does what it does, and don't
exactly understand what you want to do (I.E. what problem you're
trying to solve). From what I understand, this virtual network somehow
allows you to connect a mobile phone, or a second laptop to your
laptop. You also want your windows 7 guest to be able to connect to
this virtual network. The obvious solution that comes to mind is to
bridge your guest's network card to whatever network interface this
virtual wifi network uses on the host. I can't tell you how to do this
without at least knowing what the host operating system is, and
without knowing if it is possible for this virtual wifi interface to
be bridged. If all you want is to simply network the guest to the
host, and share the host's network connection with the guest, you can
just setup the guest's network card to use the NAT engine provided by
virtualbox, which is the default network setup. If you're wanting the
guest to setup a wifi connection with a virtual access point, that's
not possible as far as I know. The host needs to do any wifi setup,
and all the guest can do is bridge to the host's wifi network card,
and get a dhcp address or whatever once the host has associated and
authenticated with the access point on behalf of itself and the guest.
web site: http://www.gregn..net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn..net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)
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Gregory Nowak
2013-09-10 01:06:46 UTC
Post by f***@public.gmane.org
Well Friends, let me be more clear.
The host OS is windows 8 and the virtualized OS on Virtualbox is Windows
7, I need way to access my virtualized OS through network without have my
laptop connected to any network.
For example: The network on my virtualized OS is configured on Virtualbox
as a bridge, then, at work I connect my laptop to the network via cable,
and in this net exist a dhcp which give an IP address to my virtualized
OS, so I can access this virtualized OS throught the network as if it were
another machine on the network. But at home the only network I have is the
virtual hosted wifi that I setup on my laptop, the same laptop where I
have installed the virtualbox, so I need connect the virtualized OS at
that wifi.
But on the settings of the virtualbox where I setup the network I see my
wifi card, but I that wifi card is without connection, and I can not see
the virtual hosted wifi that I setup on windows 8 with this commands
netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow ssid=MyNet key=12345678
netsh wlan start hostednetwork
I haven't yet had the chance to use windows8, though I've heard demos
of how it functions with a few screen reading packages. So, forgive me
if my question doesn't make sense fully. Hopefully what I'm about to
ask will still make sense. On windows7, I can view network connections
from the taskbar and control panel. When you go to wherever one views
network connections in windows8, does it show that you are associated
with, and connected to MyNet through the wlan adapter? In my experience
on a windows7 host, you can't bridge to a wifi interface until you
associate and connect with an access point. Once you do that,
virtualbox shows the wifi card available for bridging.

I'm still not sure what you're trying to do here. If you're bridging
your guest through your wired interface at work, then you'll still
need to switch your guest to bridge to the virtual wifi interface at
home. Let me repeat what I said before. If you want the guest to be
able to access the host when you're at home, set up a host-only
network on a second virtual network interface (I.E. configure your
guest with two network adapters). Then keep your first
virtual network interface bridged to your wired interface, so your
guest can still access the net at work. This setup will let you access
your guest at work and at home. Perhaps if you explain what
you want to accomplish once you bridge to the wlan interface, that you
can't do using host-only networking, we can
help more.

web site: http://www.gregn..net
gpg public key: http://www.gregn..net/pubkey.asc
skype: gregn1
(authorization required, add me to your contacts list first)

Free domains: http://www.eu.org/ or mail dns-manager-iDweQDFWK/***@public.gmane.org