Re-install after a crash
Harry Putnam
2014-03-18 18:55:11 UTC
No one answered a previous post of a similar nature so unless I've
been black balled or something else far out.... here it is again.

Had a bad crash of win7, decided on a clean install from scratch.

The VB setup the crashed OS had was to keep everything except
~/.VirtualBox on its own partition under directory vb.

How to go about re-establishing these vms without re-intalling them.

Is it just a matter of unpacking the previous setup under HDD:/vb?

So just unpack 'vb' hierarchy on a partition?

But what about the ~/.VirtualBox that was established when I
re-installed vb software on the new OS.

I do still have the original ~/.VirtualBox... from the crashed OS,
however it was installed by an earlier version of VB than is now
installed. Probably only only by one version by not sure on that. So,
can I just put it in place of the more recent created ~/.VirtualBox?

Some one please reply... if only to tell me to get lost... but
preferably with some ideas about this matter
Gregory Nowak
2014-03-18 20:36:44 UTC
Post by Harry Putnam
No one answered a previous post of a similar nature so unless I've
been black balled or something else far out.... here it is again.
Had a bad crash of win7, decided on a clean install from scratch.
The VB setup the crashed OS had was to keep everything except
~/.VirtualBox on its own partition under directory vb.
How to go about re-establishing these vms without re-intalling them.
Is it just a matter of unpacking the previous setup under HDD:/vb?
So just unpack 'vb' hierarchy on a partition?
But what about the ~/.VirtualBox that was established when I
re-installed vb software on the new OS.
I do still have the original ~/.VirtualBox... from the crashed OS,
however it was installed by an earlier version of VB than is now
installed. Probably only only by one version by not sure on that. So,
can I just put it in place of the more recent created ~/.VirtualBox?
Some one please reply... if only to tell me to get lost... but
preferably with some ideas about this matter
I would say to get rid of whatever was put in during the fresh
install, and unpack what you have from your old install. This may not
be the best advice though, so if it blows up, you get to keep the

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