Move several vms and all concomitant files
Harry Putnam
2013-08-19 00:18:40 UTC
I've rolled back my OS to a disc image created a mnth ago... but in
that mnth I had done quite a lot of work building various vms. It
included updating to latest vbox too.

Now rolled back to previous mnth before all that started I'd like to
move all those files from another backup taken just before the rollback
which includes all the work I did.

I have access to all the files created between 07/04 and now inside a
backup img.

Can anyone tell me what all needs to be moved?

I've kept all the vms under a 'vb' directory on one disk.
And all the work was done using the latest vbox-4.16

I guess the older directory can be renamed and the newer one moved in
place. But then what else is involved?

Is it just the ~/.Virtualbox directory in home?

Does this look like it should work:

1) I'm thinking I'd need to update vbox to latest first
2) rename the 07/04 versions of E:\vb to E:\vb-130704(just in case)
3) move the 08/?? version of E:\vb into place.
4) rename ~/.Virtualbox to ~/.Virtualbox-130704 (just in case)
5) move the 08/?? version of ~/.Virtualbox into place.

Then when I fire up the latest vbox.... it should all work... right?
Julian Thomas
2013-08-19 01:03:44 UTC
Post by Harry Putnam
I've rolled back my OS to a disc image created a mnth ago... but in
that mnth I had done quite a lot of work building various vms. It
included updating to latest vbox too.
Now rolled back to previous mnth before all that started I'd like to
move all those files from another backup taken just before the rollback
which includes all the work I did.
It would probably help to know what the host OS and the various guest OS's are.

On my Mac I have a directory I set up - ~/Virtual Box VMs that has for each vm not only the disk images but also the .vbox files which (I assume) have the settings and the state info for the VMs.

jt-***@public.gmane.org http://jt-mj.net
If you want it done right, forget Microsoft.
Harry Putnam
2013-08-19 03:26:31 UTC
On 18Aug 2013, at 8:18 PM, Harry Putnam
Post by Harry Putnam
I've rolled back my OS to a disc image created a mnth ago... but in
that mnth I had done quite a lot of work building various vms. It
included updating to latest vbox too.
Now rolled back to previous mnth before all that started I'd like to
move all those files from another backup taken just before the rollback
which includes all the work I did.
It would probably help to know what the host OS and the various guest OS's are.
On my Mac I have a directory I set up - ~/Virtual Box VMs that has for
each vm not only the disk images but also the .vbox files which (I
assume) have the settings and the state info for the VMs.
Mine is closer to default I think. That is, ~/.Virtualbox has
everything concerning settings for all the vms in one *.xml file.

The contents of ~/.Virtualbox 1 *.xml, 1.xml-prev, 11 VBoxSVC.log
files and 2 selectorwindow.log files

The vms are all under E:/vb/vm/ Each one has its own directory.
There are 5 vms under there.

The host is windows 7. One vm is Gentoo Linux, one vm is Debian linux,
one is Oracle/Solaris 11, and the last two vms are both Openindiana bld
151a7 (opensource Solaris)

I guess all other files are in the five directories under E:/vb/vm