Fernando Cassia
2014-05-29 03:01:01 UTC
I was surprised when I googled for "export snapshots as ovf
virtualbox" and have this site as the 3rd result:
Here's the actual search query I used
I did so while attempting to point a user on Twitter towards some
helpful document describing the process, not to be constrained by the
140chars limit.
Obviously, it's someone copying documentation from popular open source
projects, and placing it on their own hosting/domain with advert
banners at the top.
Interesting money making approach. Dunno how ethical (given that the
user who lands there doesn't seem to be informed that it's a third
party site, and the official up to date docs are somewhere else), but
I guess (for GPL or FDL license) it's still legal.
So the point is... what can we do to have virtualbox.org results on
the top 5 (or more) results and this opportunistic site relegated much
Perhaps having the virtualbox.org docs linked from third party blogs? Tweets?
Should we even bother, or is this just a nuisance?
virtualbox" and have this site as the 3rd result:
Here's the actual search query I used
I did so while attempting to point a user on Twitter towards some
helpful document describing the process, not to be constrained by the
140chars limit.
Obviously, it's someone copying documentation from popular open source
projects, and placing it on their own hosting/domain with advert
banners at the top.
Interesting money making approach. Dunno how ethical (given that the
user who lands there doesn't seem to be informed that it's a third
party site, and the official up to date docs are somewhere else), but
I guess (for GPL or FDL license) it's still legal.
So the point is... what can we do to have virtualbox.org results on
the top 5 (or more) results and this opportunistic site relegated much
Perhaps having the virtualbox.org docs linked from third party blogs? Tweets?
Should we even bother, or is this just a nuisance?
During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell
During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell