Post by Marco TullioHi,
First thank you for accepting me in the community virtualbox.
My question is about, i think with a bug! The problem is with my
computer is Windows 7 Professionnel, system 64 bits,ok! But,when I
create a virtual machine and type Microsoft Windows, the option 64
bits not exist, only 32 bits. for all and even Linux,Solaris, etc.
Obs: In my machine I use ubuntu 64 bits. SoI can not use the virtual
box because it does not work.
/In/ /use an existing virtual hard disk *the option( Ubuntu 64b).
/You know what it could be?
Thanks a lot!
Marco Alves.
Hi Marco, check out Chapter 3 of the Manual:
Specifically, section 3.1.2:
3.1.2. 64-bit guests
VirtualBox supports 64-bit guest operating systems, even on 32-bit host
operating systems,^[11
<>] provided
that the following conditions are met:
You need a 64-bit processor with hardware virtualization support
(see Section 10.3, "Hardware vs. software virtualization"
You must enable hardware virtualization for the particular VM for
which you want 64-bit support; software virtualization is not
supported for 64-bit VMs.
If you want to use 64-bit guest support on a 32-bit host operating
system, you must also select a 64-bit operating system for the
particular VM. Since supporting 64 bits on 32-bit hosts incurs
additional overhead, VirtualBox only enables this support upon
explicit request.
On 64-bit hosts (which typically come with hardware virtualization
support), 64-bit guest operating systems are always supported
regardless of settings, so you can simply install a 64-bit operating
system in the guest.
On any host, you should enable the *I/O APIC* for virtual machines that
you intend to use in 64-bit mode. This is especially true for 64-bit
Windows VMs. See Section 3.3.2, ""Advanced" tab"
In addition, for 64-bit Windows guests, you should make sure that the VM
uses the *Intel networking device*, since there is no 64-bit driver
support for the AMD PCNet card; see Section 6.1, "Virtual networking
hardware" <>.
If you use the "Create VM" wizard of the VirtualBox graphical user
interface (see Section 1.7, "Creating your first virtual machine"
<>), VirtualBox
will automatically use the correct settings for each selected 64-bit
operating system type.
Hope this helps.
Giles Coochey, CCNP, CCNA, CCNAS
NetSecSpec Ltd
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